Here's how to schedule sessions in your SLP Now Planner!
Navigate to the Planner.
Click on the Create Session button on the top right of the page.
Enter your session details.
Click on the Students tab to add students to your session.
Select a student from the dropdown menu and click "Add Student."
If you set up goals for your students, the goals will “automagically” appear!
Repeat if you'd like to add more students.
Once you hit "save," you'll see your session added to the queue:
Feel free to keep creating your schedule as the session is being processed. Your sessions should come off the queue in less than a minute and will show on your schedule once processed.
Session Details
Title: Include a brief description of the group (e.g., 3rd Grade Language).
Type: You can choose to set the session type as Therapy, or you can schedule in time for paperwork or meetings! You can also create custom types.
Activity: Enter the activity that you have planned for the session. This area can be quickly edited when you are in the List view of the planner.
Start/End Time: Enter the times you'd like to start and end your session.
Session Notes: You can use this section to make general notes (e.g., what you need to prep).
Helpful Tip: To ensure that your sessions are processed as quickly as possible as you create them, we recommend creating a "preliminary" schedule with one-time sessions (rather than repeating sessions). You can drag and drop the sessions from the Week View of your Planner as your schedule changes. Once your schedule is more solidified, you can set your sessions to repeat!