You just had a session and it went really well! Let’s enter that data, shall we?
Enter the Accuracy for each goal targeted.
Click on Load Template link to generate a Medicaid-friendly summary of your session. Feel free to add your own notes here too!
Click on the Save button to save your changes.
What are the Types of Accuracy?
Accuracy: Enter your probe data here (accuracy without support).
Accuracy with Support: Enter the accuracy that the student achieved when given the level of support that you described.
Level of Support: Describe the level of support that you provided (e.g., verbal cues).
If you want quick access to the session summary, head to the List View in the Planner. Click the clipboard icon. You can then paste the note into your billing software (Control/Command + V)! How easy is that?!
BONUS: You can also collect probe data using SLP Now! Click here to learn how!