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How do I mark a goal as mastered?
Marisha avatar
Written by Marisha
Updated over 9 months ago

You can mark goals as “Mastered” on the Caseload page.

  1. Go to the Caseload page.

  2. Click on a student's name.

  3. Click on the Goal tab.

  4. Scroll to the mastered goal.

  5. Click the Mastered toggle.

You can also find the Mastered toggle when you are entering data in the Planner. Click the Targeted toggle to view the option to mark a goal as mastered.

Why mark goals as mastered?
You will be able to see which goals are mastered when viewing your sessions in the Planner, when taking data using the live Data Collection tool, and when printing individual student data sheets and/or daily data sheets.

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